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My name is K Parson. I would like to say that I'm full of joy to know Jesus as my personal savour. My band is called Deliverance,currently a solo artist and songwriter.Maybe I will have a full band to record with soon, but if I don't, it doesn't matter, I will continue to record music and add on to my studio that i'm slowly building. But right now, as the Lord anoints me more and more each day with new songs I will share his blessings that he has giving me - to you. God Bless you and may his face shine upon you with endless LOVE.

Why this name? I was trying to find that perfect combination to fit my music but could not,then my sister came by to bring me some supper she had cooked. So I asked her what she tought would be a great band name, and she say's, "that's easy,you have been touched by Jesus, healed and delivered from the lifestyle that you lived,so just name your band DELIVERANCE".I knew it was what I was looking for.

Do you play live? I sing specials at my church quite often and I know that the Lord is using me to touch others in that way.I really enjoy playing and singing gospel because it has such a foundation behind it. Most of all it is to glorify God and in return he blesses me a hundred fold. I sent a poem that I wrote a year ago to the International poetry society and I came first in the simi finals out of several entries.I recieved the "editor's choice award" (certificate)for unique perspective and original creativity--judged to be the qualities most found in axceptiional poetry. It was also published in their latest "Deluxe Hardbound Edition".I was very excited.The poem was called,"The way it Goes".I later composed it into a song and soon will upload it to this site.

Soundclick page http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pageartist.cfm?bandID=577811

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