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(Present Media Ministry of Charles Morrison -adding [myChristianHost.com)
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# [[CrossCanadaSearch.com]]
# [[CrossCanadaSearch.com]]
# [[CrossCheckr.com]]
# [[CrossCheckr.com]]
# [[myChristianHost.com]]

Revision as of 02:47, 28 February 2008

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This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

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Charles Morrison

Who is Charles Morrison?

Charles Morrison is a web developer and creator of a number of web portals that connect the Canadian Christian community. His web portals include CrossCanadaSearch.com, JesusManitoba.com, AngelicHosts.com and ChristianBoards.com. He is a collaborator with David Leibold to produce Canada's national Christian concert listing calendar ConcertBuzz.com. Charles owns and operates his own web hosting companies, with Chazm.com serving the business market, and myChristianHost.com serving the Christian market and PainlessDomains.com providing great prices for registering web domains..

Birth year: 1968

Born again on August 8, 1974.
(John 3:1-21, 1 Peter 1:23, Romans 6:1-14, Romans 12:1-8)

Contact Charles Morrison

Charles Morrison,
P.O. Box 881,
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada R1N 3C3

telephone: 204-239-0993
cell phone:

ChristianMedia.ca members please e-mail here.
Visitors please e-mail here

blog: http://charlesmorrison.ca

web site: http://CrossCanadaSearch.com

Mission Statement of Charles Morrison

Charles Morrison's mission is to

Present Media Ministry of Charles Morrison

Charles Morrison created and manages the following ministry web sites:

  1. ChristianCards.ca
  2. ChristianWallpaper.ca
  3. ConcertBuzz.com
  4. CrossCanadaSearch.com
  5. CrossCheckr.com
  6. myChristianHost.com

How You Can Help the Media Ministry of Charles Morrison

Charles Morrison requires the following help.

Contributions to Canadian Media Made by Charles Morrison

In 1992, Charles Morrison began writing and publishing Christian Music Bulletin, (CMB) a newsletter about Canadian Christian Music. As CMB grew, he added a web site to provide some online resources that would allow people and music industry involved individuals to network and co-operate. The CMB website spawned a links page that was rather unfocussed since it contained links to sites that were in some way connected with the following topics: Canada, Music, Christianity. It grew to include 150 links.

However, there came a point when Charles Morrison realized that he was in a position to offer his unique knowledge and network of Canadian Christian Music web sites. Thus Northern Sites was born in the Spring of 1997. Northern Sites - Canadian Christian Music Links Directory began with 80 links and grew to around 220 in June of 1999. Upon further reflection and viewing several other sites, he realized that there was an opportunity to fill the following needs:

  • to bring broader awareness to Canadian Christian Music Artists (Northern Sites goal)
  • to build a high quality, easy to use Internet information product for Canadian Christians.
  • to develop and deliver an advertising product for Canadian Christian institutional advertisers.
  • having a sense of satisfaction in knowing that Canadian content exists in spite of a strong presence of US culture, which appears even stronger on the net due to a lack of Good Canadian networking products.

These needs could all be realized in a Canadian Christian Search Engine, with a strong, comprehensive and prominently displayed music section. The concept development began in May of 1999. Testing and graphics work was undertaken in June and July 1999. CrossCanadaSearch.com was launched August 16, 1999.

Charles Morrison' is Founding Board Member and Past President of the Manitoba Christian Music Association.

Participation in ChristianMedia.ca by Charles Morrison

Charles Morrison has participated in ChristianMedia.ca by joining.

Charles Morrison is active within the following ChristianMedia.ca media portals:
(view samples)

Charles Morrison contributes to the the following Newsletters for media workers published by ChristianMedia.ca:
(view samples)

Skills and Abilities of Charles Morrison

Charles Morrison uses his many skills and abilities in web portal development to connect and encourage Canadian Christians. In September 1988 he was the Administrator for the World Christian Gathering of Indigenous People. Today, he also serves as a public school trustee, and chairman for the Portage la Prairie School Division.

Education and Training of Charles Morrison

Charles Morrison graduated from Briercrest College and Seminary (Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts) in Caronport, Saskatchewan in 1992. He has also taken courses from Providence College and Theological Seminary (Bachelor Studies), the University of Manitoba (Faculty of Engineering), and the University of Waterloo (Distance Education).

Media Related Memberships of Charles Morrison

Charles Morrison is member in good standing of the following media related organizations:

media related organization #1
media related organization #2
media related organization #3
media related organization #4

Media Related Subscriptions of Charles Morrison

Charles Morrison subscribes to the following media related publications:

media related publication #1
media related publication #2
media related publication #3
media related publication #4

Personal Testimony of Christian Faith of Charles Morrison

Charles Morrison was born again on August 8, 1974.

Home Church: Community Fellowship Church Newton, Newton, Manitoba

Home Church phone: 204-267-2116

Home Church web site: http://www.cfcnewton.com

Find more Canadian churches that encourage and support media workers and volunteers here.

Christians Who Have Impacted the Life of Charles Morrison

The following Christians have impacted the life of Charles Morrison.

Favourite Bible Verses of Charles Morrison

Charles Morrison's favourite Bible verses will be described here soon.

View favourite Bible verses of other Canadian media workers and volunteers.

Media Career Tips from Charles Morrison

Charles Morrison suggests the following media career tips.

Accolades For Charles Morrison

People are saying the following about the life and media ministry of Charles Morrison.
"Charles Morrison faithfully shares his wisdom and insights on web portal development, databases and web hosting. Since 1998, Charles has provided excellent web hosting services for my web portals includingChristianMedia.ca"

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