
From David Spencer's Media Spin : Observations about media in Canada
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flagcanadamini.gif Christians in Canada give God glory on Sunday September 29, 2024

What is ChristianMedia.ca ?
ChristianMedia.ca (pronounced Christian Media dot see aye) is a community of Christians and an online database that provides the history of Canadian Christians working, volunteering and ministering in media in Canada. Members believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Son of God. They are motivated to share the Good News through dance, drama, film, music, new media,performance, print, radio, television, visual art, web and writing.

How Can You Help Us ?

  1. Connect us with your Canadian media workers who are Christian.
  2. Contribute articles, glossary items and edit our database.
  3. Give glory to God for our web traffic and the months and years Canadian Christians have influenced media.
  4. Hire one our 205 ChristianMedia.ca Members.
  5. Join ChristianMedia.ca for FREE and add your listing.
  6. Pray for our 205 ChristianMedia.ca Members. Print their photos for your prayer journal.
  7. Sign up for one of our twelve (12) FREE E-Newsletters.
  8. Support ChristianMedia.ca financially $.