
From David Spencer's Media Spin : Observations about media in Canada
Revision as of 20:42, 16 February 2009 by DavidMRDSpencer (Talk | contribs)

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flagcanadamini.gif Christians in Canada give God glory on Friday June 28, 2024

What was ChristianMedia.ca?
ChristianMedia.ca (pronounced Christian Media dot see aye) was a community of Christians and an online database created by David M.R.D. Spencer that provided the history of Canadian Christians working, volunteering and ministering in media in Canada. Members believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Son of God. They are motivated to share the Good News through arts, media and music.

Thank you!
Thank you to all those who supported, used our services and prayed for us between 2000 and 2008. You may read the interview about the history of ChristianMedia.ca or send comments to our Project Leader here.

ChristianMedia.ca Member Pages Have Moved to WikiChristian.org
Information pages for all of our ChristianMedia.ca Members have moved to WikiChristian.org. Please print out this page of photos and pray for and support these media workers and ministries. If you are a Christian involved in arts, media or music ministry, please join and list yourself in the new directory at WikiChristian.org.


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