Christian Press Ltd.
t all begins with an idea. Christian Press is here to help you bring that idea to fruition. Let us take your project all the way from concept to the final printed piece. Creative, Quality, Service Our commitment to customer satisfaction is based upon four fundamental principals: honesty, integrity, quality and service.
Christian Press Ltd.
1320 Taylor Ave,
Winnipeg,Manitoba Canada R3M 3Y1
Telephone: 204.667.3560
Fax: 204.663.0948
In 1923 the publication of the two German-language weeklies of the Mennonite Publishing House in Scottdale, PA, Mennonitische Rundschau and Christlicher Jugendfreund, was transferred to Winnipeg, MB by Hermann Neufeld, who at that time established the Rundschau Publishing House. In 1940 this house was reorganized into the present Christian Press, Ltd., a firm which was owned jointly by the Mennonite Brethren Conference of Canada (1/8th of the stock) and private shareholders (7/8), who were all Mennonites. The main objective was to publish Christian periodicals for German-reading Mennonites the world over. Mennonite church literature and other Christian literature in eight different languages was being published.
In the 1950s the company owned the house and printing shop at 159 Kelvin St. (Kelvin Street's name was later changed to Henderson Highway), Winnipeg. C. A. DeFehr was the president of the company. Henry F. Klassen was the managing director and editor of its two major publications, one of which was the Mennonitische Rundschau (1877- ), widely known as one of the oldest Mennonite publications in North America still in circulation.
In 1964 Christian Press was acquired by the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, and was given oversight by a management board. The Press was profitable, and returned surpluses to the parent organization. In 2002 the Christian Press was located at 159 Henderson Hwy.
Klassen, Henry F. "Christian Press, Ltd. (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)." Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. 1955. Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. Retrieved 23 December 2006 <>
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