Jeremy Cross

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February 13, 2002

From: Jeremy Cross, Peterborough, Ontario

Topic: Please Help Us With Our Application to the CRTC

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Radio Ministry:

We are gathering the information and resources necessary to start a low-power 50 watt commercial FM station to serve the youth of Peterborough and the surrounding area.

We believe that this venture is a natural outgrowth of the ministry already happening in the area, and will serve the needs of the vision of the Peterborough Youth Network and the corporate church of Peterborough.

I have recently visited CKOE in Moncton,New Brunswick and enjoyed learning about the operations there with both Kurt Parks, and Shaun Mackenzie. (I look forward to meeting James Houssen!) CKOE has provided me with a copy of their application to the CRTC and other materials for reference.

I must admit that the radio application process seems overwhelming at times.

I am requesting your help to complete the CRTC application.

Here are some questions I have so far:

1.. What is involved with the Canadian Talent Development Plan? Is it possible to devote funds to local talent development programs we already run, and have them count towards this requirement?

2.. I have information on SOCAN and ASCAP. Do I pay licenses to both of these, SOCAN for CANCON and ASCAP for US talent? I also read something about a "reproduction tarrif" Do you have any info on these?

3.. Does the "Hits" requirement apply to a Contemporary Christian Music format? Since most of our music is never listed on the charts mentioned in the CRTC literature do we just promise a maximum level, which we can always meet?

4.. How do I choose an "available" frequency?

5.. Where do I indicate my call sign preference?

6.. How important is producing long lists of supporters? Is it enough to show that the Christian community leadership is in agreement with the station?

7.. Do you have any suggestions for a supplier of low-power FM transmission equipment?

I'm sure I'll have more questions later!

I look forward to receiving your answers.

More Details About us ---------------

I am writing on behalf of Rick Kirschner and Kings Kids Promotions Outreach Ministries. <> Kings Kids is a registered non-profit Christian charity that has been established for over ten years. It was started to provide a means by which local youth could develop their talents in music and drama within a Christian context.

In 1995, Kings Kids hosted a cross-Canada tour of local Peterborough youth, visiting various churches and communities with presentations of the Gospel. Kings Kids has had a large part in the encouragement and development of the ministries of local bands such as SWISH, Teacher's Pet, and Thousand Foot Krutch.

Rick Kirschner has worked in youth ministry for 15 years, and currently serves as the youth pastor for Selwyn Outreach Centre, a charismatic Convention Baptist church. In this role, he has been most recently aiding in the development of the Peterborough Youth Network. This network brings together the youth pastors and youth workers from most of the churches in the area, for the purpose of fellowship, unity and vision.

My background is software development, with "ventures" into many other areas of media production (print, video, and music). I also have a broad base of technical and logistic expertise. I am a board member with Kings Kids, and am active in youth ministry at Selwyn Outreach Centre.

Thank you all, and God bless you in your service to Him!

Jeremy Cross and Rick Kirschner