The Canadian Baptist
From David Spencer's Media Spin : Observations about media in Canada
Today is Thursday March 13, 2025 in Canada.  This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
David Spencer's Media Spin Canada provides information on:
- associations in media, a glossary, music, Media new media, photography, publishing, radio, television, video and Resources web resources.
- David M.R.D. Spencer's founding and work with between 1999 to 2008. Read the interview with David .
- To connect with Canadian Christians working and volunteering in arts, media and music, publishing and writing go here .
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The Canadian Baptist is one of the oldest, continuous running magazines in Canada. First published in 1854, it predates Confederation by 13 years and the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec by 35 years. The magazine has undergone numerous cosmetic changes since the 19th century edition, but our original mandate remains--to tell our story and reveal how Baptists in the Convention are impacting their communities for the better.
Reader response is always welcome and writers are invited to query them at any time regarding a story idea. The quarterly magazine is distributed free of charge throughout churches in the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec (BCOQ) constituency. Individual subscriptions are also available for $10 (4 issues) to help defray postage.
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