Empty Heart
From David Spencer's Media Spin : Observations about media in Canada
Today is Thursday March 13, 2025 in Canada.  This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
David Spencer's Media Spin Canada provides information on:
- associations in media, a glossary, music, Media new media, photography, publishing, radio, television, video and Resources web resources.
- David M.R.D. Spencer's founding and work with ChristianMedia.ca between 1999 to 2008. Read the interview with David .
- To connect with Canadian Christians working and volunteering in arts, media and music, publishing and writing go here .
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Empty Heart is a music ministry run by Daniel Jovkovic. His recordings include sessions by Skip Prokop and Pam Thum.
Empty Heart was founded in 1994. It’s purpose is two-fold:
- To create a series of recordings that blend contemporary music with compelling information about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- To provide an affordable yet powerful tool for Christians to share their faith with family, friends, co-workers and others.
Empty Heart,
14596 Heart Lake Road,
Caledon, Ontario Canada L7C 2J7
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