Church Without Limits

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This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

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What is Church Without Limits

Church Without Limits is a new church that uses hip hop music to reach young people. Founded by Pastor Brendan Witton and co-lead by he and his wife Sharon Joy Witton. Pastors Brendan and Sharon Joy share a fervent passion for cultivating intimacy with God, soul winning, and making disciples by training leaders through preaching and ministry. One of their goals is to nurture the leader in every believer and teach each leader to have an impact in their spheres of influence. Together they want to impact people, communities, and this nation by sharing the Gospel.

While serving as a youth pastor at a church in north Toronto, Pastor Brendan Witton began to sense a strong calling to reach out to young people in the Ajax/Pickering area.

In February 2000 he and a small team of volunteers launched an outreach Bible study on Thursday evenings in the back of a motorcycle shop owned by a friend. God's blessing was evident and within several months as many as 35 young people were packing into the shop to hang out, pray and learn more about the Word of God.

By May of that year the meeting had outgrown its location and moved into a local church to help open the Church St. Youth Centre. The Thursday night outreaches continued and many youth heard the gospel; numbers of them accepting Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

It was during this time that God began speaking to Pastor Brendan about taking the outreach a step further and actually starting a church. At first he was hesitant to obey; there seemed to be so many reasons not to do it: he was too young, others would misunderstand his motives and they didn't have any financial backing. After much prayer and consideration though, he became confident that this was God's will and began to set things in motion. With a strong goal of reaching the unsaved and the younger generation, it was decided that services were going to be held on Saturday evenings, and the dress code was going to be relaxed. Equipment was purchased, leadership was organized and on November 11, 2000 Church Without Limits was officially born.

In July of 2001 the Saturday services moved to their present location at St. Paul's on the Hill Anglican Church in Pickering. In October 2005 a Friday service was added in the Don Mills/Shepherd area of the city of Toronto. The goal of this service was to better serve CWL members in the city of Toronto and reach more people – it was not a new church but simply a second service. In addition to the weekly services, a strong network of cells (small groups) is continuing to be developed to encourage evangelism, discipleship, and relationships as well as a School of Leaders to train church members in the art of servant-leadership.

On April 9th, 2005 the pastoral leadership team of CWL was truly completed as Pastor Brendan married Pastor Sharon Joy. Together, they are committed to leading Church Without Limits forward into all that God has called it to accomplish!

Ministries include:

Contact Church Without Limits

The church meets Sunday evenings at 7-9 p.m. at Advent Lutheran Church located at 2800 Don Mills Rd., Toronto, Ontario

Church Without Mailing Address
PO BOX 375,
Pickering Main Stn.
Pickering, ON. CA. L1V 2R6

Phone: (905) 831-5454