New Creation Ministries

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Flagcanadamini.gif Today is Monday June 17, 2024 in Canada. Flagcanadamini.gif
This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

David Spencer's Media Spin Canada provides information on:

  1. associations in media, a glossary, music, Media new media, photography, publishing, radio, television, video and Resources web resources.
  2. David M.R.D. Spencer's founding and work with between 1999 to 2008. Read the interview with David .
  3. To connect with Canadian Christians working and volunteering in arts, media and music, publishing and writing go here .

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What is New Creation Ministries ?

Our Vision

New Creation Ministires / Break Forth Ministries exists to see all people lead a life of worship in Christ Jesus. Founded by Arlene Salte.

Our Mission'

We desire to be great commission Christians by creatively sharing the hope of Christ with people throughout the world.

We desire to be servants of God in renewing the hearts of leaders in the church.

We desire to train and resource churches in creative worship and communication of the Gos

Our Priorities

Many Christians have come to believe that worship is just a Sunday morning activity. It is a set of forms the church goes through in order to provide a weekly, singular, all-encompassing worship experience. Our Sunday morning experience is often segregated from the rest of life and is believed to provide a sufficient time of "worship" for the average Christian.

However, the scriptures show that all of life is to be lived in worship to God. We recognize that God initiates worship and our relationship with Him so that our public gathering is a response to God.

Our daily worship is expressed in the quality of our horizontal relationship to each other as well as our vertical relationship with God. It is shown in our family life, our work life, our friendships, our outreach and our church life.

We cannot assume that if we only include the right content and form that authentic worship will happen in the hearts of the congregational members as they show this in outward acts. Isaiah 29:13 says, "These people honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me."

However, authentic worship is not simply an emotional expression. Jesus said that true worship would be both "spirit and truth" (John 4:23). Authentic worship is based in truth and substance. Romans 10:2 warns, "They have a zeal for God, but it is not according to knowledge."

Authentic worship is expressed when there is scriptural agreement with the actions that are expressed, the words that are said, and the desires of the heart. Authentic worship is worship with integrity. It is worship in "spirit and truth."

New Creation Ministires / Break Forth Ministries could simply teach techniques in "effective Sunday morning worship services" to others. However, more people in the church due to a more captivating program is not necessarily a sign of success. The goal is more authentic disciples of Christ as shown in their daily worship.

This is why renewal, discipleship, and outreach cannot be separated from authentic worship.

Contact New Creation Ministries

New Creation Ministries
P.O. Box 80010
Broadmoor Postal Outlet,
Sherwood Park, Alberta Canada T8A 5T4
