Today is Tuesday March 11, 2025 in Canada.  This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
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Who is Michelle Sim?
Michelle Sim is a recording artist, manager and music producer and ordained church minister. She is the Founder and Administrator for Northern Praise Ministries a Christian organization that supports, through practical and spiritual means, people in the arts and entertainment industry. Since 1991, Michelle has run Northern Praise Ministries. She was also the executive producer on Deborah Klassen's Juno Award winning music CD "Legacy of Hope".
Birth year: date birth year
Born again on February 23, 1982.
(John 3:1-21, 1 Peter 1:23, Romans 6:1-14, Romans 12:1-8)
Contact Michelle Sim
Michelle Sim,
P.O. Box 61015,
Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6J 7P5
telephone: 905-844-0909
cell phone:
fax: members please e-mail here.
Visitors please e-mail here
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Personal Testimony of Christian Faith of Michelle Sim
Michelle Sim was born again on February 23, 1982.
"I had a powerful Holy Ghost salvation experience on Feb 23, 1982. I was in a serious depression due to the real estate situation in 1981 and 1982 and was not personally happy for many reasons. We had purchased a new home before selling the one we were living in and we couldn't sell either one. I had two young sons: one a genius and the other developmentally delayed. My faithful husband Ian came from a dysfunctional family and worked 2 or 3 jobs at a time to keep our family sheltered and fed. I was a very lonely and frustrated young woman.
Alone and at the end of my rope, I fell to my knees and challenged a God that I said I didn't believe in and asked that "if He were real could he help me!!" I confessed the mess I was in and asked for help. When I got up off my knees I just knew that everything would be alright.
That night 2 pastors, establishing a new church in my area, came to look at our house. After they signed the papers to rent our home (alleviating some of the financial pressure) they told me about Jesus and answered all my questions right out of the Bible. God supernaturally opened my eyes to the truth and revealed Himself to me. I was literally "zapped" by God! I've never been the same.
God has allowed to me do things and go places that I never would have done or gone had I not called out to Him. When I managed Deborah Klassen for a brief time and we won the Juno Award for Best Gospel Album that year, I was overwhelmed with what God was doing in my life and those of others that He has allowed me to bless and help.
My faith in Jesus Christ is the most important thing to me. If I did not have Christ to connect me to the Father, I simply could not live." -Michelle Sim, May 23, 2003
Home Church: Church in ChurchCity, Ontario, Canada
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Favourite Bible Verses of Michelle Sim
Michelle Sim's favourite Bible verses will be described here soon.
View favourite Bible verses of other Canadian media workers and volunteers.
How You Can Help the Media Ministry of Michelle Sim
Michelle Sim requires the following help.
Abilities, Services and Skills of Michelle Sim
Michelle Sim's is available to write, produce, direct plays and concerts, sing, write music, host radio or television programs,perform, organize events, produce CDs, educate in music industry and write and produce newsletters.
Education and Training of Michelle Sim
Michelle Sim's education and training will be described here soon.
Mission Statement of Michelle Sim
Michelle Sim's mission is to
Present Media Ministry of Michelle Sim
Michelle Sim is
Contributions to Canadian Media Made by Michelle Sim
Michelle Sim has a natural ability to spot exceptional talent and the determination to bring that talent into the spotlight.
By profession an ordained minister, her heart for artists in the entertainment field has led her to many unusual projects. Michelle has written, directed and produced two plays utilizing the skills of unknown artists who have gone on to greater things. Michelle was the Executive Producer on Deborah Klassen’s Legacy of Hope, winner of the 2000 Juno award for Best Gospel Album in Canada, is currently working on a television pilot for R&B artist Danny Brooks, and is the Production Manager for Blood & Fire, a brilliantly written audio drama depicting the first 70 years of the history of The Salvation Army.
Michelle is a tireless and creative fundraiser for The Salvation Army and other smaller organizations that help the less fortunate. She is also on the Board of Directors for Community Living Oakville, an organization that supports the mentally challenged. Michelle is the founder of Northern Praise Ministries, Inc., an organization that supports people in the arts, through encouragement, education and opportunities to showcase.
Michelle Sim has been an active participant in various areas of Christianity for over twenty years. She was the assistant pastor at a church of 500 in Burlington, Ontario from 1985 through to 1991. Her many duties included heading up the vibrant worship team, teaching from the pulpit, women’s ministry, hospitality and visitation. It was during this tenure that Michelle recorded her first CD, "Son Shining Through". She was a guest host on the Canadian television programs Nite Lite and 100 Huntley Street.
In 1991 Michelle left her pastoral position to found Northern Praise Ministries, a Canadian organization which supports Christians in music. One particularly great accomplishment was to be executive producer on Deborah Klassen’s magnificent Juno Award winning CD, Legacy of Hope. Deborah, along with many other wonderful Canadian artists, are some of Michelle’s best and dearest friends.
Ordained with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, she is an energetic, wisdom filled, motivational speaker and singer. One of only a handful of speakers for World Vision Canada, her heart goes out to the less fortunate of the world – both here at home and abroad. Part of this compassion comes from Michelle and her husband dealing with their younger son Paul, who is dual diagnosed as both developmentally challenged and mentally ill. Michelle sat on the Board of Directors for Community Living in Oakville for three years and is acutely aware of the struggles of the poor, disadvantaged and disabled in Canada.
Michelle’s keen and zany sense of humour has seen her through many challenges and difficulties. Her on stage persona has been compared to that of Lucille Ball, but the message of Christ always come through in strength and clarity! Her latest endeavour, writing her first book, “Adventures with Jesus… YIKES!” was published in the spring of 2006.
Her diversity of gifts has indeed led to many adventures, some of which include: writing four plays showcasing Canadian talent, three of which have been performed at The Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts; producing many high end events and raising substantial funds for various organizations; writing two full Bible College courses “Music and the Church” and “The Power of Love & Unity”; co-founding Authentic Women of Canada, a one day conference promoting Canadian talent, and; helping many people on a spiritual level in their daily struggles with life.
In December, 2005 Michelle released her CD called "Favourite Hymns", a beautiful collection of hymns of old, produced in simplicity and integrity. The only musical accompaniment is provided by Danny Weis on guitars. Danny is best known for his work as musical director for Bette Midler’s movie "The Rose".
Michelle was a speaker at the May 2006 Unite in Worship Conference.
Participation in by Michelle Sim
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Michelle Sim is active within the following media portals: (view samples)
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Media Related Memberships of Michelle Sim
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Media Related Subscriptions of Michelle Sim
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Media Career Tips from Michelle Sim
Michelle Sim suggests the following media career tips.
"For any Christian doing anything, your full success will only come when you have finally and totally submitted everything to God. This is the only safe place to be."
"Whatever your particular skill is - get excellent at it. Practice and study. As far as attitude goes - be a servant. Canadian Musician, a secular music publication, is an excellent source for music education. "
Accolades For Michelle Sim
People are saying the following about the life and media ministry of Michelle Sim.
Christians Who Have Impacted the Life of Michelle Sim
The following Christians have impacted the life and media ministry of Michelle Sim.
Media Friends of Michelle Sim
The following people are media ministry friends of Michelle Sim.
- Michele Finney Weis provided spoken word pieces on the "Birth of Christ", "Legend of the Candy Cane" and "Free Christmas Gifts" on my 2007 Christmas CD called "It's Christmas!
- Deborah Klassen sang "Silent Night" and "O Come All Ye Faithful" on my 2007 Christmas CD called "It's Christmas!
- Mary Saxton Rush sang "Winter Wonderland" and "Away in a Manger" on my 2007 Christmas CD called "It's Christmas!
- David Spencer provided encouragement and music ministry resources during the early years of Northern Praise Ministries
- Carol Weicker sang "O Holy Night" on my 2007 Christmas CD called "It's Christmas!
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