Jamie Penner
Today is Tuesday December 3, 2024 in Canada. This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24) David Spencer's Media Spin Canada provides information on:
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Who is Jamie Penner ?Jamie Penner runs V3 Mediaworks. He is involved in the development, hosting and maintenance of his Church's new website as well as the website of our Church's teaching and education department <http://www.ildc.ca>. V3 Mediaworks is owned and operated by Jamie Penner. His background in the computer industry dates back to 1983 and he began his foray into the world of electronic mail and communications shortly thereafter. In 1990, he developed software to act as a gateway between Internet Newsgroups and much smaller BBS networks. In 1994, Jamie began his work on establishing himself as one of the starters in the Nanaimo Internet industry. His initial pioneering work led to one of the first uses of a server running Linux to have multiple IP addresses on a single network adapter. As well, he developed one of the first web based email management applications which are so widely in use today. Using these skills and new products, he founded Nisa Online Systems and later went on to be the first Nanaimo based ISP to offer full ISDN, 56K, and analog dialup services. Jamie then moved on in 2002 to establish V3 Mediaworks.
Also actively involved in the worship ministry as a recording technician and sound board operator. Contact Jamie Penner |