Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists

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From the Glossary

Resources: Culture | Dance | Film | Music | New Media | News | Performing Arts | Publishing | Radio | Television | Visual Arts | Writing

ACTRA is the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists. It is a national organization of more than 21,000 professional performers working in the English-language recorded media. We are self-employed artists working in feature films, TV, radio, digital media, corporate videos and commercials as dramatic actors, comedians, dancers, background performers, voice over specialists, singers, puppeteers, stunt performers – and more!

Founded in 1943, ACTRA's core mission is to protect and promote the rights of Canadian performers. ACTRA also works to raise the profile of members and pursues performer –friendly policies at all levels of government.

ACTRA Plays a leading role in:

  • Collective bargaining

ACTRA negotiates collective agreements establishing minimum fees, terms and working conditions on behalf of members. In addition to the Independent Production Agreement (IPA), National Commercial Agreement, and UBCP's Master Agreement, ACTRA members are protected by agreements with national and regional radio and TV broadcasters. ACTRA also offers a number of incentive programs for lower-budget Canadian productions.

All of ACTRA's collective agreements are administered and enforced by 10 branches across the country. ACTRA has jurisdiction over all English-language productions, whatever the means of distribution.

  • Insurance and retirement benefits

Protection offered by insurance and retirement benefits is a core value of union membership. ACTRA members created their own ACTRA Fraternal Benefit Society (AFBS) in 1975 to provide a range of services including retirement benefits, medical and dental insurance. More recently, UBCP/ACTRA created the Member Benefits Trust (MBT). Both AFBS and MBT were created by members and were tailored to serve the unique needs of self-employed performers.

  • Performers' rights

Artists are entitled to compensation as a result of the use and distribution of their recorded work. ACTRA created ACTRA Performers' Rights Society (PRS) to meet the challenges of collecting distributing fees, royalties, residuals and all other forms of compensation for performers.

  • Celebrating our own

ACTRA celebrates Canadian talent through numerous initiatives including the ACTRA Awards, media events and publications like the national magazine InterACTRA. ACTRA's website is home to ACTRA's publications and collective agreements, the latest news and press releases, and ACTRA's important marketing tool Face to Face Online, the searchable database of the entire membership.

  • Political action

ACTRA has been publicly acknowledged as one of Canada's leading cultural organizations. The union is a vocal advocate for the arts and the right for Canadians to have opportunities to tell and see their own stories. Through ongoing media and lobbying campaigns that target all levels of government, ACTRA speaks out for the development and protection of Canadian culture, a strong film and television industry, and increased work opportunities for members.

  • Alliances

As a leader in a number of alliances with international labour and arts organizations, ACTRA gives members a voice beyond their numbers and borders. ACTRA has reciprocal agreements with performers' unions in Canada and around the world and is affiliated with the International Federation of Actors (FIA).

ACTRA also works closely with many other trade unions, ad hoc industry advocacy coalitions and public interest groups on a wide range of cultural and economic issues facing not only artists, but also all Canadians. ACTRA is affiliated with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and has a strategic alliance with the United Steelworkers (USW).

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