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| '''[[ChristianMedia.ca]]''' '' (pronounced Christian Media dot see aye)'' <br>provides the [[history]] of [[Canadian]] [[Christians]] [[working]], [[volunteering]] and [[ministering]] in [[media]] in [[Canada]]. Since [[1999]], we have gathered information about media ministries and services provided by Canadian Christians. You can help us fulfil our [[vision]] to record this history as far back as [[1867]]. Please connect us with your media workers and ministries, [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Contact_our_Project_Leader contact us] and [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/ChristianMedia.ca:_A_history_of_Christians_working_and_ministering_in_media_in_Canada:Site_support financially support ChristianMedia.ca]. <br><br>  If you are a [[Christian]] involved in media in Canada or you wish to share historical information through [[ChristianMedia.ca]], you are invited to [[add your listing]], [[contribute articles]] and [[edit]] our database. '''To begin, please [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Create_a_username join ChristianMedia.ca ] for free now!'''
| <em style="color:blue;font-style:italic;font-size:smaller"> ([http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php?title=Firstname_Lastname&action=edit Update this page])</em><br> http://www.christianmedia.ca/w/firstname_lastname/photo/firstname_lastname.jpg<br><em style="color:blue;font-style:italic;font-size:smaller"> Firstname Lastname </em>
<em style="color:blue;font-style:italic;font-size:smaller">
*[[Advertisers]] and [[Supporters]]
*[http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Firstname_Lastname#Find_Media_Workers_and_Ministries_Alphabetically Find Canadian media]
==Who is Steve Almond==
*[[What's new]]?</em>
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Who is Firstname Lastname?</em> ==
Firstname Lastname is
From November [[1997]] to [[2006]] Steve Almond was the seventh publisher for [[BC Christian News]]. Steve had been the paper's sales manager and the Okanagan manager. Christian Info (Vancouver/Lower Mainland) Society board chair [[Mel Newth]] spoke highly of Almond's track record in networking, sales and marketing. Founder of [[BC Christian News]] [[Lloyd Mackey]] noted that Almond did yeoman's work in developing a network with churches and business people in the Interior, which now receives some 6,000 copies of [[BC Christian News]].
[http://www.canadianchristianity.com/cgi-bin/bc.cgi?bc/bccn/1297/almond Source:canadianchristianity.com]
Birth year: [[Year]]
==Contact Steve Almond==
Born again on [[Month day]], [[year]].
(Bible verses go here)
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Contact Firstname Lastname</em> ==
Firstname Lastname, <br>
mailing address, <br>
[[City]], [[Province]], [[Canada]] Postal Code
[[Category:Person A]]
cell phone:
ChristianMedia.ca members please [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Special:Emailuser/PaulWeigel e-mail here]
Visitors please [http://www.christianmedia.ca/?/firstname_lastname/contact e-mail here]
web site: [http://www.theforerunner.net The Forerunner]
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Mission Statement of Firstname Lastname </em> ==
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Present Media Ministry of Firstname Lastname </em> ==
Firstname Lastname is
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Contributions to Canadian Media Made by Firstname Lastname </em> ==
Firstname Lastname has
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Participation in ChristianMedia.ca by Firstname Lastname </em> ==
Firstname Lastname has
Firstname Lastname is active within the following [[ChristianMedia.ca]] media portals:
[[Culture]] | [[Dance]] | [[Film]] | [[Music]] | [[New Media]] | [[News]] | [[Performing Arts]] | [[Publishing]] | [[Radio]] | [[Television]] | [[Visual Arts]] | [[Writing]]
Firstname Lastname  contributes to the the following [[Newsletters]] for media workers published by our [[ChristianMedia.ca]] [[Moderators]].
* [[ChristianMediadotca_Members]] <br> <em style="color:green;font-style:normal;font-size:smaller"> (Connecting Canadian Christians who support the vision of [[ChristianMedia.ca]])</em>
* [[ChristianRadioCanada_News]] <br> <em style="color:green;font-style:normal;font-size:smaller">(Connecting Canadian Christians working and volunteering in Canadian radio.)</em>
* [[ChristianStationManager_News]] <br> <em style="color:green;font-style:normal;font-size:smaller">(Connecting Canadian Christians managing Canadian radio, television and satellite broadcasting stations.)</em>
* [[CanadianChristiansofAction]] <br> <em style="color:green;font-style:normal;font-size:smaller">(Connecting Canadian Christians influencing the moral fabric of Canadian business, government and culture.)</em>
* [[ChristianWritersCanada_Newsletter]] <br> <em style="color:green;font-style:normal;font-size:smaller">(Connecting Canadian Christians writing and editing lyrics, prose, fiction and non-fiction.)</em>
* [[FilmandVideoMinistryCanada_Newsletter]] <br> <em style="color:green;font-style:normal;font-size:smaller">(Connecting Canadian Christians writing, directing and producing film and video.)</em>
* [[MusicMinistryCanada_Newsletter]] <br> <em style="color:green;font-style:normal;font-size:smaller">(Connecting Canadian Christians writing, performing, recording and producing music, lyrics, artists and concerts.)</em>
* [[NewMediaMinistryCanada_Newsletter]] <br> <em style="color:green;font-style:normal;font-size:smaller">(Connecting Canadian Christians creating and managing Canadian web sites, podcasts and new media.)</em>
* [[PerformingArtsMinistry_Newsletter]] <br> <em style="color:green;font-style:normal;font-size:smaller">(Connecting Canadian Christians supporting Canadian theatre, actors and dancers.)</em>
* [[PublishingMinistryCanada_Newsletter]] <br> <em style="color:green;font-style:normal;font-size:smaller">(Connecting Canadian Christians supporting publishers of lyrics, prose, fiction and non-fiction.)</em>
* [[TelevisionMinistryCanada_Newsletter]] <br> <em style="color:green;font-style:normal;font-size:smaller">(Connecting Canadian Christians supporting, working and volunteering in television.)</em>
* [[VisualArtsMinistryCanada_Newsletter]] <br> <em style="color:green;font-style:normal;font-size:smaller">(Connecting Canadian Christians supporting,working and volunteering in visual arts.)</em>
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Skills and Abilities of Firstname Lastname </em> ==
Firstname Lastname has
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Education and Training of Firstname Lastname </em> ==
Firstname Lastname
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Media Related Memberships of  Firstname Lastname </em> ==
Firstname Lastname is an active member of
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Personal Testimony of Christian Faith of Firstname Lastname </em> ==
Firstname Lastname was born again on [[Month day]], [[year]].
Home Church:
Home Church web site:
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Christians Who Have Impacted the Life of Firstname Lastname </em> ==
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Favourite Bible Verses of Firstname Lastname </em> ==
Firstname Lastname's favourite Bible verses are:<br>
Find more favourite [[Bible verses]] of other Canadian media workers and volunteers.
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Media Career Tips from Firstname Lastname </em> ==
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Accolades About Firstname Lastname </em> ==
What people are saying about the life and media ministry of Firstname Lastname.
== <em style="color:blue;font-style:normal">Find Media Workers and Ministries Alphabetically</em> ==
Workers are listed by the first initial of their '''last name'''. Ministries are listed by the first initial of their '''name'''.<br>You may browse '''alphabetically''', by [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page#Browse_by_Communities communities], [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page#Browse_Media_Categories_and_Ministries_and_Services media categories, ministries or services]. You may also [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Special:Search?search= search] our listings.
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Please [[add your listing]]. <br>''(Participants listed in ChristianMedia.ca agree with our [[statement of faith]] and follow our [[guiding principles]])''.
{| border=0 cellspacing=6 cellpadding=5
| http://www.christianmedia.ca/images/photos/mediaministries.jpg <br>
*[http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Create_a_username join ChristianMedia.ca for free ]
| Please use ChristianMedia.ca to contact or book a Canadian Christian [[media worker]], Canadian [[media ministry]] or Canadian [[media service]]. You are also invited to purchase their advice, art, book, music, program or service. If you are a new [[Christian]] or new to [[media ministry]], we [[encourage]] you to connect with one of our experienced Christian [[mentors]] practising in your area of [[media expertise]]. You are also invited to [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Create_a_username join ChristianMedia.ca] for free , [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Contact_our_Project_Leader contact us] and [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/ChristianMedia.ca:_A_history_of_Christians_working_and_ministering_in_media_in_Canada:Site_support financially support ChristianMedia.ca].
== <em style="color:black;font-style:normal">Media Portals</em> ==
[[Culture]] | [[Dance]] | [[Film]] | [[Music]] | [[New Media]] | [[News]] | [[Performing Arts]] | [[Publishing]] | [[Radio]] | [[Television]] | [[Visual Arts]] | [[Writing]]
== <em style="color:black;font-style:normal">Media Resources</em> ==
[[Education]] | [[Employment]] | [[Events]] | [[Glossary]] | [[History]] | [[Media Workers]] | [[Media Ministries]] | [[Mentors]] | [[Newsletters]] | [[Resources]] | [[Speakers Bureau]]
== <em style="color:black;font-style:normal">Our Christian Faith in Action</em> ==
[[Bible Verses]] | [[Christian Faith]] | [[Find a Church]] | [[Guiding Principles]] | [[Healing]] | [[How to become a Christian]] | [[Know Jesus]] | [[Prayer Requests]] | [[Projects]] | [[Statement of Faith]] | [[With Jesus Now]]
== <em style="color:black;font-style:normal">ChristianMedia.ca Background and History</em> ==
1. [[About ChristianMedia.ca]]<br>
2. [[Advertise on ChristianMedia.ca]]<br>
3. [[Advertisers]]<br>
4. [[Advisory Board]]<br>
5. [[Contact our Project Leader]]<br>
6. [[Contributors]]<br>
7. [[Copyright]]<br>
8. [[FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions]]<br>
9. [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Quick_Index Index A - Z]<br>
10. [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Create_a_username Join]<br>
11. [[Link to Us]]<br>
12. [[Mentors]]<br>
13. [[Privacy Policy]]<br>
14. [[Project History]]<br>
15. [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Special:Allpages Site Map]<br>
16. [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php/Special:Search?search= Search] <br>
17. [[Statement of Faith]] <br>
18. [[Supporters]]<br>
19. [[Vision Statement]]<br>
20. [[What's new at ChristianMedia.ca]]?<br>
21. [[Where to ask a question]]<br>
22. [[Who can add and edit our ChristianMedia.ca database]]?<br>
23. [[Who is eligible to list on ChristianMedia.ca]]?
''(This page was updated by [[User:ChristianMediaWikiSysop|ChristianMediaWikiSysop]] 15:21, 20 February 2006 (PST))''
[[Request to unlock this page]] and [http://www.christianmedia.ca/wiki/index.php?title=Firstname_Lastname&action=edit make an update.]
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Latest revision as of 23:57, 18 September 2008

Flagcanadamini.gif Today is Thursday March 13, 2025 in Canada. Flagcanadamini.gif
This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

David Spencer's Media Spin Canada provides information on:

  1. associations in media, a glossary, music, Media new media, photography, publishing, radio, television, video and Resources web resources.
  2. David M.R.D. Spencer's founding and work with ChristianMedia.ca between 1999 to 2008. Read the interview with David .
  3. To connect with Canadian Christians working and volunteering in arts, media and music, publishing and writing go here .

< Home Flagcanadamini.gif | Associations | Categories | Glossary | Media Workers | New | Popular | Search



Who is Steve Almond

From November 1997 to 2006 Steve Almond was the seventh publisher for BC Christian News. Steve had been the paper's sales manager and the Okanagan manager. Christian Info (Vancouver/Lower Mainland) Society board chair Mel Newth spoke highly of Almond's track record in networking, sales and marketing. Founder of BC Christian News Lloyd Mackey noted that Almond did yeoman's work in developing a network with churches and business people in the Interior, which now receives some 6,000 copies of BC Christian News.


Contact Steve Almond