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Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

Location: Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada
Common Name: CHIC 88.7 FM
Call Letters: CHIC
Frequency: 88.7 FM

Cable Television Channel:
Satellite Signal:

Repeater Station(s): A repeater station broadcasts the mother station radio signal on a different radio frequency to neighbouring communities.

City Call Letters Frequency Power

Internet Streaming: ?

Listen Online Here:
For help with Internet streaming please visit our Glossary here.

Programming Format (examples):

Broadcast Languages: English

Memberships (examples):

Contact Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

Mailing Address:

CHIC 88.7 FM
c/o Centre Chrétien Évangélique
120 9th Street,
Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec Canada J9X 2B6

Studio Address:

City,Province/Territory, Canada

Administration Phone :
Request Phone Line :
Toll Free :
Fax :

e-mail : e-mail André Curadeau or e-mail Gaetan Racicot or e-mail Vic Cimon
web site :

The Vision of Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

Organization Status : not-for-profit organization

Slogan :

Mission Statement :

Statement of Faith :

Support Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

To support our radio station please:

  • 1. Listen to our station.
  • 2. Pray for our management, staff and artists.
  • 3. Buy the products promoted by our advertisers.
  • 4. Contact our sales manager to advertise on our station and our web site.
  • 5. Send donations or donations in kind to our office.

Supporters and Prayer Warriors  
Thanks to the following supporters and prayer warriors we are on the air:

Thanks to our Advertisers:

Thanks to our Sponsors:

Advertising on Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

To advertise please contact:

Target Audience for Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

Coverage :

City Population : ? (Source: Statistics Canada)

Target Market : daytime age ?, night time age ?



Technical Specifications for Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

Network Affiliation :

Effective Radiated Power : 50 watts

Channel : 204LP

Radio Transmitter :

Antenna :

Music Library Software :

Programming Automation Software :

Programming Production Software :

Internet Streaming System :


Staff for Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

Founder(s) : Vic Cimon, André Curadeau, Gaetan Racicot

Owner(s) :

President or Chair :

Operations Manager :

Program Director :

Assistant Program Director :

Music Director :

Music Librarian:

Promotions Manager :

Announcers/Hosts/DJ's :

Image Voice :

Sales/Advertising Manager :

Traffic :

Engineer :

Office Manager :

Webservant :

Number of paid staff: ?

Number of volunteers : ?


Volunteers for Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

Our volunteers are very valuable to our radio ministry.

Previous Staff and Volunteers for Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

Thank you to all of our previous staff members and volunteers who contributed to our radio ministry.

Previous Staff

Previous Volunteers  

Programming for Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

Hours of music aired weekly:

Hours of spoken word and teaching aired weekly:

In House Produced Programs Aired :

Syndicated Programs Aired :
Syndicated radio programs produced in the United States and other countries (examples):

Music/artist samples :

From Other Countries

Send PSA's (Public Service Announcements) to :

Send program proposals to :

Send music demos to :
Please send music artist, band demos and albums for airplay consideration along with your media kit, statement of faith and name of your home church(es)

Government Monitoring of Programming for Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

CRTC Details
The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission is based in Ottawa,Ontario and Hull,Québec Visit the CRTC.

Application 2000-1712-0 filed with C.R.T.C. in 2000
Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2000-11
Public Hearing held in on January 30, 2001 in Hull, Quebec

Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2001-163
Programming license approved by the C.R.T.C. on January 30, 2001
Approved to André Curadeau, on behalf of a company to be incorporated

CRTC Decision Explanation:
The Commission approves the application for a new French-language specialty FM radio station at Rouyn-Noranda.

  The new station will broadcast 126 hours a week of locally produced programming. Programming will contain 20% spoken word content, including local news, information and sports. A 90-minute program on social issues, personal growth, suicide, violence, and legal issues will be produced on a daily basis, and will occasionally include various local social workers and humanitarian agencies.

  Programming staff will consist of five full-time employees, who will produce and broadcast local news information and sports, and produce advertising messages and community announcements.

Programming staff will consist of five full-time employees, who will produce and broadcast local news, information and sports, and produce advertising messages and community announcements.

At least 90% of the station's total weekly music will be drawn from subcategory 35 (non-classic religious).

The applicant has committed to not offer religious programming as defined in the religious broadcasting policy. The Commission, nevertheless, reminds the applicant that, if it does offer religious programming, it must abide by the requirements set out in Public Notice CRTC 1993-78 with respect to balance and other matters involving the broadcasting of religious programming as well as the policy regarding soliciting funds.

The applicant further committed to devote 15% of its category 3 music selections on a weekly basis to Canadian selections, which exceeds the minimum of 10% required under the Radio Regulations, 1986. A condition of licence in this regard is included in the appendix to this decision.

  With regard to the development of Canadian talent, the applicant committed to allocate a minimum of $2,600 annually in direct expenditures. The winners of the various contests will be able to record their material on compact disc. Groups that have never made a recording will have the opportunity to cut a disc at no charge and win gigs through on-air promotion of their CDs. A condition of licence in this regard is included in the appendix to this decision.

Conditions of licence
The licence will be subject to the conditions specified below and in the licence to be issued, also as set out in Public Notice CRTC 1999-137.
1.The licensee must operate the station within the Specialty format as defined in Public Notice CRTC 1995-60, as amended from time to time.

2. The licensee must draw at least 90% of the total weekly music from sub-category 35 (non-classic religious).

3. The licensee must ensure that a minimum of 15% of Category 3 music selections (Special Interest) broadcast each week are Canadian selections.

4. The licensee must contribute annually a minimum of $2,600 in direct expenditures for the development of Canadian talent.

Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-101
RE: Application 2002-0116-1

Extension of time limit to implement a new radio programming undertaking at Rouyn-Noranda

1. The Commission approves the application by Communications CHIC (C.H.I.C.) for a 12-month extension of the time limit to commence operation of a new radio programming undertaking at Rouyn-Noranda, granted by New Christian music FM radio station, Decision CRTC 2001-163, 5 March 2001.

2.The Commission grants the licensee an extension, until 5 March 2003, to implement this authority.

Government Monitoring of Broadcasting for Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

Industry Canada Details :  
Visit Industry Canada  


History of Radio Station CHIC 88.7 FM

Station on the air since ?


Find a Canadian Christian Radio Station

Call Letters City Frequency Internet Stream Launch Date
Logo Power Province or Territory Slogan Visitors

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Category: Art, Graphic Design, Photography, Visual Art

animation services animators art educators art gallery curators arts funding services graphic designers
museum curators painters photographers sculptors visual artists visual arts

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culture culture influencers education education services educators
ECP Centre
ministries for children ministries for fathers ministries for men
ministries for mothers ministries for seniors ministries for singles ministries for teens ministries for women
motivational speakers public speakers

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Category: Dance

choreographers dance dance suppliers dance training dancers

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Category: Dance Genres

African ballet ballroom free highland jazz modern skating tap worship

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Category: Editing, Publishing and Writing

authors bloggers book distributors books commercial copywriting
editorial directors editors journalists Leslie K. Tarr
Award recipients
Canadian Church Press
InScribe Christian Writers' Fellowship
The Word Guild
publicists publishers publishing
publishing advertising sales writers writing writing services

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Category: Education and Professional Development

arts lectures dance conferences dance workshops music conferences music lectures music workshops radio conferences

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Category: Film

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Category: Music Ministries and Services

Compassion Canada Artist Associates Covenant Award recipients entertainment legal services Juno Award recipients GMA Canada
music music advertising sales bands music composers music concert promoters
music choir directors music distributors music downloads music education
and training
music festival organizers
music festivals music journalists music managers music producers music promoters
music recording
CD duplication services
music recording
DVD duplication services
music recording services music song writers music vocalists
music worship leaders musicians World Vision Artist Associates

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Category: Music Genres

aboriginal music a capella music African canadian music alternative music
bluegrass music blues music Caribbean music children's music
choral music Christmas music classical music contemporary Christian music (CCM)
country music country and western music dance music electronic music
folk music Francophone music gospel music hard rock music
hip hop music inspirational music instrumental music jazz music
latin music messianic music metal music new wave music
opera music pop music punk music praise and worship music
rap music reggae music rhythm & blues music rock music
roots music soul music soundtrack music southern gospel music
techno music urban music world music

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Category: New Media

Internet radio broadcasting new media new media advertising sales new media audio visual services
new media computer services new media sales new media services new media podcasting
new media web developers new media web hosting services

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Category: News

news news RSS feeds news services newspapers

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Category: Performing Arts

actors artistic directors Christian theatre companies comedians
lighting services make up and hair artists performing arts playwrights
screenwriters scriptwriters stage hands stunt coordinators
stunt performers theatre costume designers theatre costume suppliers theatre directors
theatre managers theatre set designers

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Category: Radio

radio radio advertising sales radio broadcasters radio broadcasting services
radio commercial copywriting radio education and training radio engineers radio equipment sales
radio producers radio program buying agencies Programs radio producers
radio promotion radio services radio show hosts radio spoken word
radio station managers radio stations radio voiceovers

Please add your listing to this category.

Category: Television

television television advertising sales television broadcasters television broadcasting services
television commercial copywriting television education and training television equipment sales television producers
television satellite broadcasters television station managers television voiceovers

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