Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
What is Evangelical Fellowship of Canada?Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) is the national association of evangelical Christians in Canada. It gathers Evangelicals together to dialogue, to equip and to partner for greater effectiveness in ministry and public witness. bcWorkplace05.jpg Since 1964 the EFC has provided a national forum for Evangelicals and a constructive voice for biblical principles in life and society. The EFC affiliates include denominations, ministry organizations, educational institutions and individual congregations, who uphold a common statement of faith. The EFC also has more than 15,000 supporting individuals. The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada is an alliance of Canadian Christians vitally linked for Kingdom purposes. A positive gathering place for evangelical ministries The EFC identifies and connects evangelical Christian ministries that have common goals and commitments. It has fostered partnerships, alliances and joint efforts that have enriched the whole Church and enhanced ministries across Canada and around the world. By building networks and providing expert resources, the EFC encourages and empowers Christian leaders to do more and to do it better than if they acted alone. A positive forum for evangelical leaders The EFC believes that a trust-based community of evangelical Christian leaders, who pray together and strategize together, can be more effective in meeting the challenge of transforming individuals and communities. Working relationships that are based on genuine friendships are empowering and, ultimately, glorify God.
Contact Evangelical Fellowship of CanadaPlease consider contacting Evangelical Fellowship of Canada to encourage and support their work.
Mission Statement of Evangelical Fellowship of CanadaIn order to promote Christian mission in life and society, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada is a national movement that purposes to engage an increasingly inclusive participation of evangelicals to accomplish together mission, ministry and witness.
Present Media Service of Evangelical Fellowship of CanadaEvangelical Fellowship of Canada gathers ministry leaders for interactive learning, deepened communication and increased networking, ministry partnerships and community transformation. They draw out and facilitate the development of leaders and future leaders for evangelical organizations and movements. They provide an informed, respected and collaborative voice in the public square. They publish papers, documents, briefs, newsletters such as Canada Watch periodicals such as Faith Today, tools and books that inform, encourage, resource and empower ministry organizations, movements and leaders. How You Can Help Evangelical Fellowship of CanadaEvangelical Fellowship of Canada is totally dependent on the financial support and prayers of individuals, foundations, businesses and the EFC affiliates. You can pray, provide financial support and provide legacy giving. More info....
Contributions to Canadian Media Made by Evangelical Fellowship of CanadaEvangelical Fellowship of Canada publishes Canada Watch newsletter and the Faith Today magazine. The also coordinated Canadian media workers and brought them together for the Christian Media Roundtable in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004.
Participation in ChristianMedia.ca by Evangelical Fellowship of CanadaEvangelical Fellowship of Canada has participated in ChristianMedia.ca by joining and helping to record the history of Candian media workers by updating this page.
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